Jake Hartnell, 2nd year masters student, I School. I am contributing to the Hypothes.is project. I am interested in annotation because I think it can be a powerful tool for assessing knowledge.
Tony Chen, 2nd year undergrad studying Philosophy and CS. I am working on PeerLibrary, a search engine for open access scholarly literature and platform for transparent and collaborative science.
Matti Nelimarkka, Visiting Student Resercher, I School. I contibute to React, a Facebook originating JS library. My interest in open collaboration is to understand why (and how to motivate) people to participate and how the cultures develop in communities.
Fred Jacksier-Chasen, 2nd year MIMS student. I will be contributing to the PDF.js Project. I'm interested in encouraging and maintaing collaboration in open source projects. I've worked with and on several open projects and am excited to explore what made some of them so pleasant to deal with and others such a pain.
Peter Nguyen, 2nd year Masters of Information Management Systems student with a focus on Information Systems Management, User Interaction, User Experience and User Interface Design. I am working on Brian Carver's Free Law Project, which interests me because I closely follow Cyberlaw and IP Law cases whenever they are featured in the news. It is probably one of the biggest areas of contention for the foreseeable future because companies have digitized so much of their operations (and assets). CourtListener is a major resource for lawyers, students, professors, and every day users -- so I feel like I can help a lot of people with my involvement in this project.
AJ Renold - 2nd Year MIMS, contributing to IPython
Elaine Sedenberg, PhD, 1st Year, looking at either Zooniverse or Urban Forest Map, and I am taking this class to learn more about citizen science initiatives!
McConachie, Andrew, First year Master's student, I School, I am contributing to the courtlistener.com project. I have contributed to open source for many years and enjoy the theory behind it. I also find it interesting to see non-technical people get introduced to some of the ideas behind open source.
Jen DiZio, 3rd year PhD student (and admittedly a non-programmer); I am hoping (or, HOPING) I can contribute to a new platform we're launching as a collaboration between UCB and the University of Tromso, the Collabosphere. At the very least, I am going to monitor the interactions between our students and the Norwegian group.
Quast Tom, visiting scholar at I School for the fall semester as part of my M.Sc. in IT and Productdevelopment. I am working on the Hypothes.is. I am interested in this course because I would like to be able to contribute to open source projects.
Stefan Tian, 3rd Year undergraduate student, Statistics/Economics, Considering Mifos but is open to new projects, I believe open collaboration is the future that nobody wants to acknowledge and taking this class will help me better understand this phenomenon
Nick Merrill, 1st year PhD student. I'm contributing to Bitcoin, the honey badger of money. My motivations for taking this course draw from my interest in cryptography and security in massively distributed systems.
Prabhavathi Matta, 2nd year MIMS student. I am interested in contributing to GeoNode, an Open Source Geospatial Content Management System. GeoNode is a platform for developing geospatial information systems (GIS) and for deploying spatial data infrastructures (SDI).
Christina Pham, 2nd year Masters student, I School. I'm currently talking to Mozilla Open Badges to get involved with their work. I'm really interested in working with them on understanding what people expect to be rewarded for and what they're willing to showcase in their backpack. The primary goal for this is to get a better understanding on human motivations and what aids to someone's sense of accomplishment and positive reinformcent. I also felt like their visual aesthetic really meshed with my own, so being able to work on any visuals for them would sort of be the cherry on top.
Siddharth Agrawal, 1st year Masters student, I School. I am planing to contributing to the Google Chrome project. I am interested in open collaboration and peer production to get hands-on exploration of the theory and practice of open online collaboration.
Robyn Perry, first year MIMS student. I am contributing to documentation of the CiviCRM project, a contact relationship management tool built for the nonprofit sector. I'm interested in collaboration and open source projects because I'd like to learn what dynamics make a project successful, especially in including the contributions of newbies and non-techies or accidental techies.
Seema Puthyapurayil. I'm a second year Master's student at the School of Information. I just joined the class so I don't know what project I will be contributing to, but I'm excited to be here!
Thomas Maillart. I am a visiting post-doctoral fellow @iSchool until 2014. I might sneak into PeerLibrary at some point although I am currently focusing on producing decent lectures for this class.
Mitar, 2nd year CS PhD student. I am working on PeerLibrary, an open source platform for collaborative science.
Anna Swigart, 1st year Master's student, I School. I am contributing to PeerLibrary. I'm interested in learning about the structure and culture of open source software organizations and the potential for these organizations to instigate positive change in society.
Nick Doty, 3rd year I School PhD student. I work in part for the World Wide Web Consortium, a technical standards body, and I also maintain a small open source project of tools and documentation for privacy-by-design, PrivacyPatterns.
Lisa Jervis, second-year MIMS student. I'm taking the class because I'm jazzed about community-building, resource-sharing, and mutual aid in both my personal and professional lives. I'll be contributing to end-user documentation of CiviCRM.
Renu Bora, 1st year MIMS, contributing to [Common Crawl] (http://commoncrawl.org)