Details about the funding of freelaw project.
Assignment 4 - Governance model
Details about the governance model.
Assignment 7: Technical modularity of Geonode, its collaboration structure and how work gets done at Geonode; and my contributions.
Technical modularity of Geonode, its collaboration structure and how work gets done at Geonode. Finally, my contributions to Geonode and OpenSource software in this semester.
PeerLibrary structure
PeerLibrary team is small, three active members. We are roughly separated into design, frontend and backend components, but our work overlap all the time as we try to listen to each other comments and integrate them into our work on a component. Sometimes this discussion is a real discussion, sometimes ...
PeerLibrary in broader context
There are many projects related to PeerLibrary. To better understand the whole PeerLibrary environment we are building an index of related projects and learning more about them. For each related project we try to find what are good sides of the project and what we could learn from it and ...
MIFOS” Modularity
Seventh Assignment
Assignment 3 - Community participation
Details about the community participation.
Modularity and Collaboration
PeerLibrary's modularity and collaboration
Funding and Related Projects
PeerLibrary's funding and related projects
Assignment6: Funding of Geonode
Funding of Geonode. How does this affect the community? And Geonode's role in the greater technical ecosystem.