
Basics of XSLT

  1. Motivation
  2. Motivation - Producing HTML or XHTML
  3. Motivation - Extracting XML
  4. Motivation - XML to XML
  5. Motivation - non-XML Output
  6. Motivation - Extensible
  7. History of XSLT
  8. XSLT is not XSL
  9. The XSLT Model
  10. Getting Started
  11. The Top Level
  12. A Simple Example
  13. Templates, Actions, and Patterns
  14. The Template Model
  15. xsl:apply-templates
  16. Patterns
  17. Template Results
  18. Modes
  19. Associating a Template with Modes
  20. Using a Mode
  21. Built-in Template Rules
  22. Multiple Templates - Priorities
  23. Multiple Templates - Priority Examples
  24. Outputting Text
  25. Preserving Whitespace
  26. Literal Elements
  27. Attribute Value Templates
  28. Attribute Value Templates - Example
  29. What Happened to my Comments?
  30. Understanding Actions
  31. Creating Elements "Manually"
  32. Creating Attributes "Manually"
  33. Creating Comments & Processing Instructions
  34. Values
  35. Copying Nodes
  36. Copying The Attributes
  37. The Identity Transform
  38. Making Small Changes with xsl:copy
  39. xsl:copy-of