the color of the light indicates which direction your'e turning Pot1:
- if it's red, you're decreasing the pot's value. the brighter the red, the more quickly you're decreasing.
- if it's green, you're not changing the value (within a jitter of [-2, 2])
- if it's blue, you're increasing its value. the brighter the green, the more quickly you're increasing.
Pot2 varies the sampling rate used to measure the deltas:
- a low value on Pot2 means the program samples frequently
- a high value on Pot2 means the program samples infrequently
Components Used
3 Light Emitting Diodes (LED), one each of Red, Green and Blue
3 220-ohm Resistors
2 Potentiometers
a little tender loving care
Arduino Code
code link
photo link
kevin, this is really
kevin, this is really awesome. really :) now way to be thinking in the first order derivatives :)