Last modified: January 12, 2007
The subjects we will be discussing are complex and not likely fully to be available in any one article or text. The reading list reflects this fact and provides a number of alternative or possible perspectives for each of the topics we will be covering. In some cases (overview of assessment methods) it is possible to identify a single most important work which it is essential that everyone become familiar with, in most others you will want to dip into a variety of works that are listed, grazing, perhaps, rather than intensively digesting.
In addition and more passively, you may want to use RSS feeds to keep up with "the news" as it becomes available. A selection of serial publications, blogs, and news sources is supplied below.
There is no course-reader, nor are there required texts. Most of the readings are available on-line. Some will be circulated by email.
Assigned and suggested readings are organized by seminar date and topic. Priority should be given to readings indicated with an asterisk '*' as these will substantially orient or underpin work in seminar.
1/17/2007 - Course aims and overview
1/24/2007 - Toward the 21st century land-grant university
* The Promise and Power of 10 (this unpublished staff work documenting thinking about the University of California in 2025 will be circulated in advance)
1/31/2007 - The academic library as place, steward, and information service
The literature on the changing roles of academic libraries is already long and continually growing.
* Graze through and get a feel for reactions to this topic in some of the following:
- Jerry D. Campbell, "Changing a Cultural Icon: The Academic
Library as a Virtual Destination" EDUCAUSE
Review, Vol. 41, No. 1 (January/February 2006): 16-31.
- Paul Gandell, "Libraries: Standing
at the Wrong Platform, Waiting for the Wrong Train" EDUCAUSE
Review (November/December, 2005)
- Library as Place. Rethinking Roles, Rethinking Space (CLIR, 2005)
- Katherine S. Mangan, "Packing up the
books", Chronicle of Higher
Education (July 1, 2005) from
- Perceptions of Libraries and Information Resources (OCLC, 2005)
- Leo Waaijers, "From Libraries to 'Libratories'" First Monday 10:12(December,
2/7/2007 - Changing fundamentally...
2/14/07 - Open Access Publishing
The prolific literature that has grown up around this topic seems sometimes to generate more heat than light.
*Get a flavor by reading selectively from the brief articles contributed to "Web Focus. Access to the Literature" in
Nature (March-September, 2004) from Every point of view is represented there and it is best not to gravitate toward the one(s) with which you feel most naturally inclined.
In addition, information about how the economics of scholarly publishing impact directly at UC, and about UC's various responses, and a very good list of credible information resources, are available from the website maintained by The Office of Scholarly Communication
2/21/07 - Academic values and scholarly publishing
2/28/2007 - Scholarly publishing in transition
Reading TBD.
3/7/2007 - What is cyberinfrastructure?
3/14/2007 - High performance computing and the future
3/21/2007 - Different modalities
4/4/2007 - Yahoo(!). A networked student community
Readings TBD
4/11/2007 - Mass Digitization and its discontents
Reading TBD
4/18/2007 - Planning investments in the academic information environment
*Selected draft reports representing work of the University of California's IT Guidance Committee will be circulated in advance of the seminar
Background information on issues in IT Planning is widely available, but not always very good, so if you choose to graze do so with a light touch.
- Edward L. Ayres, "The Academic Culture and the IT Culture: Their Effect on Teaching and Scholarship" EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 39, no. 6 (November/December 2004) from
- Edward L. Ayres and Charles M. Grisham, "Why IT has not paid off as we hoped (Yet)", EDUCAUSE Review, 38:6 (November/December 2003) from
- Phil Goldstein et. al., "Understanding the Value of IT", Educause Quarterly, 26:3(2003) from
- Shirley Ann Jackson,"Ahead of the Curve: Future Shifts in Higher Education", EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 39, no. 1 (January/February 2004)
Annual Educause Surveys are published annually in Educause Quarterly (the first couple are nowhere to be found). They provide a good description of the hot issues on campuses as they plan their IT investments and now an overview of how those issues evolve (or don't) over the years.
4/25/2007 - Aligning policies with purpose
Reading TBD
5/2/2007 - After Google what?
No assigned reading.
Sources of
information worth checking regularly
Serials that may be
worth watching:
- DLib Magazine
- Educause Quarterly
- Educause Review
- First Monday
- Library Journal
News sources that may
be worth watching:
Blogs that may be worth