Last modified: January 28, 2006
The subjects we will be discussing are complex and not likely fully
to be available in any one article or text. The reading list reflects
this fact and provides a number of alternative or possible
perspectives for each of the topics we will be covering. In some
cases (overview of assessment methods) it is possible to identify a
single most important work which it is essential that everyone become
familiar with, in most others you will want to dip into a variety of
works that are listed, grazing, perhaps, rather than intensively
In addition and more passively, you will want to use RSS feeds to keep up with "the
news" as it becomes available. A selection of serial publications,
blogs, and news sources is supplied below.
There is no course-reader, nor are there required texts. All of the readings are available on-line.
Assigned and suggested readings are organized by seminar date and topic. Required
readings are indicated with an asterisk '*'.
1/18/2006 - Course overview
Practical work of the course will require some working knowledge of assessment
techniques/methods and how they are used in the design, assessment,
and continued evaluation of academic information services.
For an overview of assessment methods see:
As Covey points out,
different methods have very different strengths and weaknesses, and
are accordingly fit for different purposes. Good assessment studies
often involve the use of multiple methods. To get a feel, you'll
want to familiarize yourself with how different techniques are used
(well but also poorly) in different studies. Many of the readings for
this course rely in some way or another on the use of different
assessment techniques. You can quick-start you inquiries by sampling
from some of the following:
- Johan Bollen,, "Usage Analysis for the Identification of Research Trends
in Digital Libraries", DLib Magazine 9:5(May, 2003),
- Amy Friedlander,
ed., Dimensions and Use of the Scholarly Information Environment:
Introduction to a Data Set Assembled by the Digital Library
Federation and Outsell, Inc. (CLIR, 2002)
- Diane Harley, et
al., "The Use of Digital Resources in Humanities and Social
Science Undergraduate Education. First Year Report" (October,
- Diane Harley, et
al., "Understanding the use of Digital Resources in Humanities and
Social Science Undergraduate Education" (2005)
- E. Novotny, "I don't think I click: a protocol analysis study of use of a library
online catalog in the Internet age." College & Research
Libraries 65:6(November 2004), 525-537,
- The 2003 OCLC Environmental Scan: Pattern Recognition (2004)
- Steve Jones and Camille Johnson-Yale, "Professors online: The Internet's
impact on college faculty", First Monday,10:9(September, 2005)
- OCLC White Paper on the Information Habits of College Students (OCLC, 2002)
- C. Tenopir, Use
and users of electronic library resources: an overview and analysis
of recent research studies (CLIR, 2003)
- Any of the numerous assessment and evaluation reports conducted by the
California Digital Library in the course of its designing and
continually evaluating new information services, available from
1/25/2006 - Historic roles
The literature on the changing roles of academic libraries is already long and continually
* Graze through and get a feel for reactions to this topic in some of the following:
- Emerging
Visions for Access in the Twenty-first Century Library (CLIR,
- Perceptions
of Libraries and Information Resources (OCLC, 2005)
- Paul Gandell,
"Libraries: Standing at the Wrong Platform, Waiting for the Wrong
Train" EDUCAUSE Review (November/December, 2005)
- Leo Waaijers,
"From Libraries to ‘Libratories'" First Monday
10:12(December, 2005),
- Jerry D. Campbell, "Changing a Cultural Icon: The Academic Library as a Virtual Destination" EDUCAUSE Review, Vol. 41, No. 1 (January/February 2006): 16-31.
2/1/2006 - Care and feeding of collections
"Interesting" trends in library collection management are so new they are difficult
to spot in the literature. Since UC seems to be well out in front in
this area, the required readings are highly localized. See:
A less parochial more general picture can be obtained from:
2/8/2006 - Search and Public Service
Other relevant readings
- Ken Chad and Paul
Miller, "Do libraries matter The Rise of Web 2.0. A White Paper"
(Nov 2006)
- Daniel Greenstein, "Lessons in Deep Resource Sharing from the University of California Libraries" in Emerging Visions
for Access in the Twenty-first Century Library (CLIR, 2003)
- Tony Hammond, et. al., "Social Bookmarking Tools (1)", DLib Mabazine, 11:4(April,
- S. Powers, "Cheap Eats at the Semantic Web Café", Burningbird (January
27, 2005) from
- Relevant sections of Perceptions of Libraries and Information Resources
(OCLC, 2005)
- Roy Tennant, "The right solution: federated search tools", Library
Journal, 6/15/2003 from
2/15/06 - Project Discussion Session
2/22/06 - The economics and other dysfunctions of scholarly communication systems
The prolific literature that has grown up around this topic seems
sometimes to generate more heat than light.
Every point of view is represented there and it is best not to
gravitate toward the one(s) with which you feel most naturally
In addition…
3/1/2006 - Scholarly Communication in Transition
Selected readings from "Web focus"
In addition, you might want to look at:
- Mary Case, "Principles for Emerging Systems of Scholarly Publishing" (2000)
- Joseph J.Esposito, "The devil you don't know: The unexpected future of Open Access publishing", First Monday, 9:8(August 2004) from
- Clifford Lynch, "Scholarly Communication in a Digital World", Texas A&M. Humanities Information Lecture Series (2004) streaming video from
- David E. Shulenburger, "Principles for a New System of Publishing for
Science" (2001) from
3/8/2006 - Primary data as a secondary resource: data archives and their use
More tactical approaches are available from:
- Beagrie's
and Greenstein's, A strategic policy framework for creating and
preserving digital collections. Version 5.0 (July 2001) makes
the case for preserving scholarly digital collections and provides
practical and policy guidance to those in a position to do so.
- Brian Lavoie and
Lorcan Dempsey, "Thirteen Ways of Looking at…. Digital
Preservation", DLib Magazine, 10:7/8(2004)
- And
from the guides to developing persistent digital collections as
written for different communities of scholarly data producers
- Various
publications of the AHDS
- NISO Framework
Advisory Group. A Framework of Guidance for Building Good Digital
Collections. 2nd edition. (2004) from
- NINCH Guide to
Good Practice in the Digital Representation and Management of
Cultural Heritage Materials (2002) from
- Various
publications of the Technical Advisory Service for Images (UK) on
the management and sustainability of digitization projects (from
3/15/2006 - Cyberinfrastructure / e-Science
The required NSF ("Atkins") report on cyberinfrastructure has helped
to set the tone for debate nationally about the nature and level of
investment in basic science (that is, in the infrastructure to
support it). Follow-on reports (listed below) extend the discussion
to the social sciences, and to the arts and humanities respectively
and are worth a look.
Other "cyberinfrastructure" reports:
Other relevant reading on this topic:
3/29/2006 - S P R I N G - B R E A K
4/5/2006 - Computer-assisted instruction at UC (guest lecturer)
Readings TBD
4/12/2006 - The qualities of open
- * Sally Johnstone, Open Educational Resources Serve the World, Educause Quarterly 28:3(2005)
- * James Dalziel, "Open Standards versus Open Source in E-Learning", Educause Quarterly,
26:4(2003) from
4/19/2006 - Project Discussion Session 2
4/26/2006 - Digital
stewardship at UC. Guest lecture. Report fromn the coal face
Lecturer TBD
- * Donald J Waters, "Managing Digital Assets in Higher Education., An Overview of
Strategic Issues" (October, 2005) from
- * Clifford A. Lynch,"Institutional Repositories: Essential Infrastructure for
Scholarship in the Digital Age", ARL Bimonthly Report, 226(February 2003)
- * Clifford A. Lynch and Joan K. Lippincott, "Institutional Repository Deployment in the United States as of Early 2005", DLib Magazine, 11:9(September, 2005)
5/3/2006 - Strategic Planning for the the Academic Information Environment
- * Shirley Ann Jackson,"Ahead of the Curve: Future Shifts in Higher Education", EDUCAUSE
Review, vol. 39, no. 1 (January/February 2004)
- * Edward L. Ayres and Charles M. Grisham, "Why IT has not paid off as we hoped (Yet)",
EDUCAUSE Review, 38:6 (November/December 2003) from
- * Edward L. Ayres, "The Academic Culture and the IT Culture: Their Effect on Teaching and
Scholarship", EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 39, no. 6 (November/December 2004) from
- Annual Educause Survey (there are five of these 2000-2004; three can still be found
easily on the Net !) published annually in Educause Quarterly.
They provide a good description of the hot issues on campuses as
they plan their IT investments.
- Phil Goldstein et. al., "Understanding the Value of IT", Educause Quarterly,
26:3(2003) from
Sources of
information worth checking regularly
Serials that may be
worth watching:
- DLib Magazine
- Educause Quarterly
- Educause Review
- First Monday
- Library Journal
News sources that may
be worth watching:
Blogs that may be worth