Deployment method (Web Based/email based)
Cost: Is it Free? (at least for research puroses)
Gives back data in tab/comma/space separated file (make sure
it does not give back just summary graphs)
Supports question formats a) Likert Scale b) Dichotomous choice
c) pull down menu d) open ended e) check box
Can support random ordering of questions
Supports versioning of survey (creating different versions of
same survey to send to different users)
Rate ease of filling out survey (for respondent) on a scale
of 1(very difficult) to 10 (very easy)
Rate ease of survey development e.g., uses a form interface,
does not require programming (for researcher) on a scale of
1(very difficult) to 10(very easy)
the look of the survey interface on a scale of 1(not sophisticated)
to 10(very sophisticated)
Provides support for managing participants (i.e., send invitation
and possibly reminders, track participants)
to install on a server