Midterm Project Proposal: Interactive crutch, Rock-Scissors-Paper Glove, Sign Language Glove. Anyone interested?

Posted by yoon

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I’m proposing 3 different ideas, and looking for someone to join for any of these! However I’m also interested in Xylophone Internet Protocol Idea with some modifications on functions of the device, and open to other ideas. Please let me know!


Interactive Crutch


Have you ever used gait aiding device such as crutches or walkers? They seem to be very easy to use, but when it comes to the situation that you have limited body function, it is not very easy to utilize efficiently and sometimes you get even more tired because of your aiding device. I have a broad idea for solving this problem, by giving some sort of interactions between the user and the device. The user may figure out which place he/she should put his hands on the crutches to get the most efficient load supporting, and the churches can also tell the user that what he is doing right or wrong, which feet should have more weight on for whatever the reason the user is using the device (e.g., recovering, rehabilitation, exercise, etc). Moreover, the user can change the settings for the device via various methods (e.g., switches with various symbols/figures, sounds, or voice commands) which will be developed during the project. 

To realize, pressure sensors, accelerometers, and some visual input-output devices will be used.


Rock-Scissors-Paper Glove


If you and your friend(s) wear the glove and play rock-scissors-paper, then the glove will tell the one you give, and tell that you win/lose/draw by the color or sound. It will need accelerometers pressure sensors, and wireless communication scheme between the gloves.


Sign Language Glove Translator with Speakers


It will translate the sign language and speak out so that other people who don’t know the sign language can also understand. It will be useful for the people who have to use sign language, and for patients who cannot speak after their surgeries to communicate with other people. 

There is already a glove keyboard device developed from Berkeley, but we can use different/simplified methods to express the sentence the user want to express and add more symbolic visual/auditory expressions as outputs.


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