Paper Football

Posted by lizzy

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By lizzy and Rami

We explore 2 ideas in our prototypes.

In our first prototype, we are interested in the idea of shadow puppets. Paper football involves a lot of the hands. We are interested in turning physical hand movements into shadow puppets. This video inspired this prototype.


Our second prototype focuses on providing players with fun facts during the game. When players use a coin to play, our field is capable of reading the year on the coin. Once reading the year, the board will output information about the Superbowl game from that year. Such information will include the winner and loser, MVP, score, and etc. During the game, depending on the movement of the coin (e.g. speed, airborne), information will output onto the screen. For example, a touch down will play a video of a winning move from that year's super bowl or generate a memorable sound byte (e.g. "I'm going to Disneyland!").

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