Well of Secrets

Posted by arielhaney

arielhaney's picture

The concept of this installation is a metaphor of secrets as drops of water. You write your secret on a slip of paper and drop it into a well. The secrets are broken down into their individual words. Each word is then incorporated into a cloud projection on the ceiling. The words of the secret turn over each other in the cloud; disappearing and reappearing. As more secrets are dropped in the well the clouds becomes heavier and heavier with secret words and the sky becomes stormy. When there are so many secrets that the cloud can no longer contain them a storm breaks out and the words of the secrets pour down the wall in the form of raindrops. The drops disappear as do the written secrets, which by this time have dissolved into the water at the bottom of the well into which they were dropped. The idea is visualized in the images shown below.

the image

In this image a participant writes his secret on a piece of paper and drops it into the well.

the image

This image shows a darker and stormier sky full of the words from different secrets. The secrets are indecipherable because they have been broken down into words.

the image

The words are rain down the wall and disappear as they hit the floor.

We started with the idea of creating stories with cloud images. We then had an ideation session where we came up with 17 additional ideas which used a clouds or cloud like visualization. Our ideas are pictures here:  http://imgur.com/a/vSL8f#Iy9sm. We choose one of the ideas (#18) and then had another ideation session where we came up with the metaphor we would use to get the secrets into the clouds. In this session we  also determined  how the cloud projection would change as more secrets were added to it. Having ideation session with the white board where extremely productive. It helped us quickly visualize and iterate on our ideas. It also allowed us to freely collaborate and build off of one another's ideas. 


Prayag Narula, Ariel Haney

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