Thoughtless Acts

Assignment: Thoughtless Acts


Thoughtless Acts #1

A man trying to prop his bike up with a handrail in the bart so that he can have his hands free to read. Bikes on the bart often cause many problems. There are problems with space and awkward placing. It would be best if cars could be designed with a bike area. A place where people could place their bike and it would stand on its own and not roll around. Also, a place that would be out of the way of the doors for people trying to get on and off.

Thoughtless Acts #2

My cat using my external hard drive as a pillow because of its warmth and slight vibration. Cats are also notorious for taking up space on a desk, usually right where you need to work. Maybe creating something that is warm and slightly vibrating and slightly off to the side of a desk would be a good design solution, so people can work and move freely, and the cat would be happily to the side.

Thoughtless Act #3

This doesn't have a photo attached since it's not a visual thoughtless act, but a sonic one. And that is - people making too much noise in their appartment that it affects their neighbors. Because our apt. building's walls are so thin, a sound that normally wouldn't seem loud can be amplified in a neighbor's room. This can cause a lot of anger and tension between people, mainly because they are unaware of what it's like in the other person's space. Even footsteps or a laugh can be really loud. A device that could measure that sound levels in someone else's apt, and then remind their neighbor in a friendly manner, like a peaceful sound alarm, could be a good start to facility communication and neighborly relations.