

Lecture: Tuesday 11:00am-12:30pm Lab: Thursday
8/27 Introduction of the course
9/1 Activity Theory and TUI 9/3 Intro to Physical Computing
9/8 Tangible Bits 9/10 Digital I/O with Arduino Boards
9/15 Taxonomy of TUIs: Containers, Tools and Token 9/17 Sensing: Potentiometers
9/22 Calm Computing and Ambient Media 9/24 Sensing: Force sensors and photocells
9/29 Human Centered Design 10/1 Output: Piezo speakers
10/6 Design and Innovation 10/8 Output: DC motors
10/13 Midterm Project Review 10/15 Output: Servo motors
10/20 Guest Lecture (Bjoern Hartmann) 10/22 Output: Simple mechanics
10/27 Fabrication and Prototyping 10/29 Synthesis: Invent a music instrument (group work)
11/3 Guest Lecture (Mike K. ThingM) 11/5 Synthesis: Invent a music instrument (group work)
11/10 Ubicomp (Liz Goodman) 11/12 Final project progress report and critique
11/17 Final project progress report and critique 11/19 Guest Lecture (Hayes Raffle)
11/24 Evaluating TUIs 11/26 [Holiday]
12/1 Summary 12/3 Final Project Exhibition Part I
12/8 Final Project Exhibition II