Assignment: Final Project 1: Progress Report
Collaborators: jvoytek, mcdowell
Team members:
Jessica Voytek
Ian McDowell
Alison Meier
We’re exploring tangible methods for digitally communicating basic messages. In particular, we envision a portable device such as a keychain where simple inputs would translate into status updates broadcast over Twitter. The device can also be location-aware so that messages can be translated into more narrative information for friends and colleagues.
The keychain would have a finite number of gestures corresponding to specific states or emotions. Combined with the GPS data, the device would generate messages for friends and colleagues to act upon or observe.
The components of the messages would be basic emotions and location data. Sample messages could include:
Jessica is stressed. She is in class.
Alison is frustrated. She is at 102 South Hall, Berkeley, CA.
Ian is content. He is Yali’s.
Inputs to the device can be metaphors for the emotions. For example, pounding the device can trigger the “frustrated” message; scratching the surface of the device can trigger “stressed.” And caressing the device signifies “contentment.”
Locations can be pre-specified by the user by using the device to tag the location and later naming it through an admin interface on a web location. The default behavior for untagged places would to list the actual address.