Thoughtless Acts

Assignment: Thoughtless Acts


1) what is happening in the scene:

At a restaurant in Berkeley, the focus of the image is the center where there are two objects hanging. The first is the adhoc Hook that the plastic bags are hanging on.

The second is the clip usually used to clip large stacks of paper together, but being used as a sort of "keychain".


2) possible physical and/or virtual design solution:

I was not so sure as to whether these are actions happening due to the lack of existence of a solution, or merely lack of ability to use the solution. In other words, they may simply not have a standard "hook" on which to hang something, so decide to use unconventional hooks. For the key, they may not have a normal "key hanger" which can be mounted on the wall. So in terms of design solutions, I cannot really come up with anything since the solutions seem to already exist. I guess the paperstackclip-keychain does add a bit of versatility and portability as opposed to the mounted key holder I mentioned earlier. The solution here I presume would be a keychain with a clip on it?