Assignment: Servo Motor: Actuation Assignment 2
Assignment: Servo Motor: Actuation Assignment 2
I tried several things to get the Servo Motor to crawl--first I sewed bouncy balls onto opposite arms. This didn't work, & then I thought about rotating my perception of the motor itself from crawling on its side, to generating motion from the top down. I sewed two miniature dolls to the arms, so that they propped up the servo on their backs, but they weren't sturdy enough once I powered the servo. Finally, I inserted the servo into a wicker ball that was much larger than the motor itself & thought that the arms would roll, or at least jolt, the ball along. It turned out that the arms were too immobilized to turn within the ball, & instead the body of the motor rotated. So then I flipped it on its back, & it crawled!
I can't imbed properly! But here's the link to the video: