Sketches for eTIMATE: Extending long-distance pillow talk beyond intimacy

Assignment: Midterm Project 2: Project Progress Sketches

Collaborators: oreohuang, gvaswani

Liz has provided us with wonderful feedback! We found the papers extremely helpful. Many of them have researched extensively on intimacy. Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to run our own focus groups or interviews as was done in the papers, so we resorted to making an affinity diagram on pillows we sleep on. We have chosen not to commit to the theme of intimacy, but it is a natural attribute of pillows. Another theme associated with pillows we have chosen to incorporate into our product is self-reflectance, as not all activities we do just before sleeping relate to our distant lover or family. We read for pleasure, write in diaries, plan for the following day, think or brainstorm one last time about work, etc. Consequently, we have decided to extend the intimate intent of our product to not only connect distant lovers, but also to connect the user with him/herself.


Our pillow has three modes, which represent connections of the user to his/herself and distant confidants:

  1. "How was my day?" - user logs his/her overall feeling of the past day just before sleeping
  2. "How was your day?" - user calls a confidant to see how he/she is doing
  3. My next day - user can add last minute notes to his/her calendar, e.g. reminder to bring a toothbrush for the business trip tomorrow

More details are provided in the sketches attached below.