Potentiometers controlling LEDs

Assignment: Sensing: Potentiometers



I started with the 2b_OnePotControlsBrightnessOnePotControlsBlinking.txt code where one potentiometer adjusts blinking and one adjusts brightness. I adapted this code so that it worked with all three LEDs. I also created a separate code that uses one potentiometer to light up each color LED based on the rotational position of the potentiometer.

Components Used

  • Light Emitting Diodes (LED)--red, green, and blue
  • 220 ohm resistors (3)
  • Arduino board
  • Bread board
  • Wires
  • 2 potentiometers

Arduino Code

2 Potentiometers, one controls brightness, one controls blinking



* one pot dims, the other pot changes the blinking rate

* modification of the following

* http://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/AnalogInput


int pot1Pin = 0;   // select the input pin for the potentiometer 1

int pot2Pin = 1;   // select the input pin for the potentiometer 2

int pot1Val = 0;   // variable to store the value coming from pot 1

int pot2Val = 0;   // variable to store the value coming from pot 2

int led1Pin = 9;   // select the pin for the LED 1 (red)

int led2Pin = 10;   // select the pin for the LED 2 (green)

int led3Pin = 11;  // select the pin for the LED 3 (blue)

void setup() {

pinMode(led1Pin, OUTPUT);  // declare the led1Pin as an OUTPUT

pinMode(led2Pin, OUTPUT);  // declare the led2Pin as an OUTPUT


void loop() {

pot1Val = analogRead(pot1Pin);   // read the value from pot 1, between 0 - 1024, for dimming

pot2Val = analogRead(pot2Pin);   // read the value from pot 2, between 0 - 1024, for blinking

analogWrite(led1Pin, pot1Val/4); // dim LED 1 to value from pot1

analogWrite(led2Pin, pot1Val/4); // dim LED 2 to value from pot1

analogWrite(led3Pin, pot1Val/4); // dim LED 3 to value from pot1

delay(pot2Val);                  // stop the program for some time, meaning, LED is on for this time

analogWrite(led1Pin, 0);         // dim LED 1 to completely dark (zero)

analogWrite(led2Pin, 0);         // dim LED 2 to completely dark (zero)

analogWrite(led3Pin, 0);         // dim LED 3 to completely dark (zero)

delay(pot2Val);                  // stop the program for some time, meaning, LED is OFF for this time




Rotational position of one potentiometer controls which LED is lit



* Red, Green, Blue Potentiometer


* Control 3 LEDs with 1 potentiometer. Red LED lights up when potentiometer is at its low range;

* green at its middle range; and blue at its high range.



* Put 220 Ohm resistors in line with pots, to prevent circuit from

*   grounding out when the pots are at zero



// Analog pin settings

int aIn = 0;    // Potentiometer connected to analog pin 0 (Connect power to 5V and ground to analog ground)


// Digital pin settings

int aOut = 9;   // Red LED

int bOut = 10;  // Blue LED

int cOut = 11;  // Green LED


// Values

int aVal = 0;   // Variables to store the input from the potentiometer


// Variables for comparing values between loops

int i = 0;            // Loop counter

int wait = (1000);    // Delay between most recent pot adjustment and output



int PRINT = 1; // Set to 1 to output values

int DEBUG = 1; // Set to 1 to turn on debugging output


void setup()


pinMode(aOut, OUTPUT);   // sets the digital pins as output

pinMode(bOut, OUTPUT);

pinMode(cOut, OUTPUT);



void loop()


i += 1; // Count loop


aVal =  analogRead(0);


if (aVal < 341) {  //if potentionmeter is in its low range, light the Red LED

aVal = analogRead(aIn);  // read input pins

analogWrite(aOut, 255);    // Send new values to LEDs

analogWrite(bOut, 0);

analogWrite(cOut, 0);



if (aVal > 342 && aVal < 682) { //if potentionmeter is in its middle, light the Green LED

aVal = analogRead(aIn);

analogWrite(bOut, 255);    // Send new values to LEDs

analogWrite(aOut, 0);

analogWrite(cOut, 0);



if (aVal > 681) { //if potentionmeter is in its high range, light the Blue LED

aVal = analogRead(aIn);

analogWrite(cOut, 255);    // Send new values to LEDs

analogWrite(aOut, 0);

analogWrite(bOut, 0);






2 pots LED

2 pots, LEDs off
2 pots, LED on
2 pots, LEDs on
1 pot, rotational
Rotational potentiometer control of LEDs