Outline and Schedule
This is a preliminary outline for the course. It is expected to change during the semester.
(Week. Content -- dates -- readings)
Introduction to database concepts & Data Models -- Jan 24 -- Hoffer: Ch. 1
- Slides from Lecture 1 download
Database planning and Conceptual Design -- Jan 31 -- Hoffer: Ch. 2 & Ch. 3 & (Skim) Ch. 14 & Zachman Framework
SQL and Database Access -- Feb 7 -- Hoffer: Ch. 6 & 7
Organizing Information into a Database (logical database design) & Normalization -- Feb 14 -- Hoffer: Ch. 4 & 5
Assignment 2b assigned
Database Design: Physical Design and Access Methods -- Feb 21 -- Hoffer: Ch. 5
Physical Design & Intro. to Database Applications -- Feb 28 -- Hoffer: Ch. 8
Python + Flask Workshop I: Creating database driven web applications -- Mar 7 -- Hoffer: Ch. 7 & App. C
- Python 3 Installation
- Flask Tutorial
- HTML Tutorial
- Bootstrap Tutorial
- Focus on Grid Basic, Typography, Tables, Alerts, Buttons, Forms, and Inputs
- Flask and Bootstrap
Python + Flask Workshop II: Creating database driven web applications -- Mar 14
Assignment 2b due (Mar 14)
- Flask Tutorials
NoSQL and NewSQL - MongoDB Atlas Setup -- Mar 21 -- Hoffer: Ch. 11 (Emphasis on NoSQL section)
Spring Break -- Mar 28
Guest Lectures: The Art of Inference & Apache Kafka -- Apr 4
- The Art of Inference - Advice that we would give ourselves if we were back in school by Shreyas and Likhita Bathineni
- Shreyas is a PM Team Lead in the Buyer Experience - Science Team at Atlassian, responsible for marketing's growth and experimentation strategies. He's passionate about decision making as a principle, and the science of informing them with data, behavior research and user insights. He and his team of passionate Growth Engineers build, run and analyze experiments to turn data into insights and reproducible learnings.
- Likhita Bathineni, a Purdue alum, has worked as a full stack developer at a starup in LA where she built geospatial mapping systems for organizations like the Department of Transporation, Pepsi and Marriott. Now as a Growth Engineer at Atlassian, she runs experiments and analyzes data. She also works on other interesting projects like exploring personalization and building recommendation engines using machine learning.
- Apache Kafka and short Lab by Monik Pamecha
- Slides from Kafka Lecture View
- The Art of Inference - Advice that we would give ourselves if we were back in school by Shreyas and Likhita Bathineni
Database Administration - Backup and Recovery & Object-Relational DBMS -- Apr 11 -- Hoffer: Ch. 10
Data Warehouses -- Apr 18 -- Hoffer: Ch. 12 (Administration) and Ch. 9 (Warehousing)
- Slides from Lecture 18 download
Big Data Introduction - MapReduce, HBase, Hive, Pig -- Apr 25 -- Hoffer: Ch. 11 (Big Data)
- Slides from Lecture 19 download
- Slides from Lecture 20 download
Final Project Workshop -- May 2
Final Project Presentations -- May 9
- Final Project Presentations
Assignment 1 & 2a assigned (Jan 31)
Assignment 2a due (Feb 27)
Assignment 1 due (Feb 28)