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SIMS 255: Foundations of Software DesignAdministrivia |
Lectures & AssignmentsAdministriviaOnline Resources |
InstructorProf. Marti Hearst (hearst@sims.berkeley.edu)212 South Hall, 510-642-8016 Office Hours: Mon 11:00am-12:00pm; Tues 2:00-3:00pm Teaching AssistantsFredrik Wallenberg (fredrik@sims.berkeley.edu)Office Hours: TBA
Thuan Nguyen
Course GoalsThis course is an intensive introduction to programming principles and practice, to prepare students with a non-technical background to take the more technical SIMS courses. We will cover the fundamentals of how computers work, standard algorithms and their analysis (focusing on sorting and searching), fundamentals of data structures and how to choose among them (focusing on trees, graphs, and hash tables), and an introduction to formal languages, focusing on regular expressions and finite automata. We will also study and practice principles of object oriented design, using UML as the tool for describing the software design.Prerequisites: knowledge of the basics of Java programming. WorkloadI expect this course to require about 6-10 hours per week outside of class, the amount of time depending on the student's experience with programming and the other material.There will be readings each week; students are expected to do the readings before lecture. Each week there will also be a required lab session. Often the lab will consist of exercises to better learn the material from class; towards the end of the semester the labs will be used to work on a small programming project (called a mini-project). Students will select a project from among a few choices provided by the instructors. GradingThis course is offered on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis. To pass the course, students must complete all assignments and must attend all lectures and labs.There may be a final exam; I haven't decided yet. We may allow students to work in pairs for the programming assignments; details TBA. Required Textbooks
UML Distilled, Second Edition by Fowler & Scott You may order these books from whereever you like. This is the Amazon link for the data structures book. The link on the SIMIANS site points to the wrong edition of the data structures book. This is the Amazon link for the UML book. Email listAll students in the course must join the mailing list. Subscribe via my.sims.berkeley.edu or send email to majordomo@sims.berkeley.edu and put
Computer AccountsSee Roberta in 210 South Hall |