Monday, August 29 Introduction
No Readings
Wednesday, August 31 Visual Analysis
Assignment 1: Visualization Critiques (due Wednesday, Sep 21)
Stuart K. Card, Jock D. Mackinlay, Ben Shneiderman. Information Visualization. Chapter 1 of Readings in Information Visualization. Morgan-Kaufmann, 1999. p. 1-34.
Stephen Few. Introduction. Chapter 1 of Show Me The Numbers: Designing Tables and Graphs to Enlighten. p. 3-14.
Monday, September 5 Holiday - No Class!
Jacques Bertin. Post-Mortem of an Example. Chapter 1 of Graphics and Graphic Information Processing.
Stephen Few. Numbers Worth Knowing. Chapter 2 of Show Me The Numbers: Designing Tables and Graphs to Enlighten. p. 15-37.
Optional Readings
Visual Psychology and Data Graphics
Wednesday, September 7 Visual Perception and Principles
Stephen Palmer. An Introduction to Vision Science. Chapter 1.1 of Vision Science: Photons to Phenomenology. p. 4-15.
Stephen Few. Visual Perception and Quantitative Communication. Chapter 6 of Show Me The Numbers: Designing Tables and Graphs to Enlighten. p. 88-112.
Optional Readings
Stephen Palmer. An Introduction to Vision Science. Chapters 1.2 & 1.3 of Vision Science: Photons to Phenomenology. p. 15-44.
Fredo Durand. Gestalt and composition. In Course #13, SIGGRAPH 2002.
Monday, September 12 Designing Tables and Graphics to Enlighten (Guest Lecturer Stephen Few)
Complete the Show Me the Numbers Pre-Test (not to be turned in)
Stephen Few. Chapters 3-5 of Show Me The Numbers: Designing Tables and Graphs to Enlighten. p. 38-87.
Wednesday, September 14 Information Visualization for Discovery and Analysis (Guest Lecturer Stephen Few)
Complete the Data Visualization for Discovery Pre-Test (not to be turned in)
Stephen Few. Chapters 7, 9-10 of Show Me The Numbers: Designing Tables and Graphs to Enlighten. p. 113-126, 162-212.
Monday, September 19 Color / Design Exercise
Cynthia A. Brewer. Color Use Guidelines for Data Representation, Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Graphics, American Statistical Association, Alexandria VA. pp. 55-60. 1999. (Color Schemes Page)
Optional Readings
Colin Ware. Chapters 1 & 4 of Information Visualization: Perception for Design.
Interactive Information Visualization
Wednesday, September 21 Interaction: Dynamic Queries, Brushing, and Linking
Assignment 1: Visualization Critiques Due
Assignment 2: Applying Visualization Tools (due Monday, Oct 10)
Ben Shneiderman. Dynamic queries, starfield displays, and the path to Spotfire. February 4, 1999
Optional Readings
Monday, September 26 Multidimensional Data Analysis
Stephen Few. Design Solutions for Multiple Variables. Chapter 11 of Show Me The Numbers: Designing Tables and Graphs to Enlighten. p. 213-226.
Al Inselberg. Multidimensional Detective. IEEE InfoVis 1997.
An Empirical Comparison of Three Commercial Information Visualization Systems, Alfred Kobsa, in Infovis 2001, IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization, San Diego, CA.Optional Reading
VizCraft: A Problem-Solving Environment for Aircraft Configuration Design, Goe, Baker, Shaffer, Grossman, Mason, Watson, Haftka, IEEE Computing, pp. 56-66, 2001Wednesday, September 28 Parallel Coordinates, Zoomable User Interfaces
Optional Readings
Monday, October 3 Focus + Context, Visual Distortion Techniques
George Furnas. Generalized Fisheye Views. ACM CHI 1986.
The Table Lens: Merging Graphical and Symbolic Representations in an Interactive Focus + Context Visualization for Tabular Information, R. Rao and S. K. Card, CHI '94. Demo
Optional Readings
M. S. T. Carpendale, Catherine Montagnese. A Framework for Unifying Presentation Space. UIST 2001.
Wednesday, October 5 Animation
Bay-Wei Chang, David Ungar. Animation: From Cartoons to the User Interface. UIST 1993.
Monday, October 10 The 3rd Dimension
Heiser, Phan, Agawala, Tversky, Hanrahan, Identification and Validation of Cognitive Design Principles for Automated Generation of Assembly Instructions, AVI'04Optional Readings
Mary Czerwinski, Desney S. Tan, George G. Robertson. Women Take A Wider View. ACM CHI 2002.
Bob Leitheiser and David Munro, An Experimental Study of the Relationship Between Spatial Ability and the Learning of a Graphical User Interface In Proceedings of the Inaugural Americas Conference on Information Systems, 1995.
Wednesday, October 12 Implementing Visualizations (Guest Lecturer Martin Wattenberg, IBM Research)
Assignment 2: Applying Visualization Tools Due on Friday Oct 14
Assignment 3: Project Proposal (due Monday, Oct 24)
Links from class
Color Code (WordNet viz)
Martin Wattenberg. Arc Diagrams: Visualizing Structure in Strings. IEEE InfoVis 2002.
Monday, October 17 Software Architectures / Design Exercise
Jean-Daniel Fekete. The InfoVis Toolkit. IEEE InfoVis 2004.
Optional Readings
Visualizing Specific Data Types
Wednesday, October 19 Time-based Data
John V. Carlis, Joseph A. Konstan. Interactive Visualization of Serial Periodic Data. UIST 1998.
Optional Readings
Monday, October 24 Video Visualization
Jon Snydal, Marti Hearst. ImproViz: Visual Explorations of Jazz Improvisations. Extended Abstracts of ACM CHI 2005. (Poster)
Wednesday, October 26 Trees
Assignment 3: Project proposal due Oct 27th
Ben Shneiderman. Treemaps for space-constrained visualization of hierarchies. 1998-2005.
Pat Hanrahan. To Draw A Tree. October 2001.
Optional Readings
Monday, October 31 Networks
Jeffrey Heer, danah boyd. Vizster: Visualizing Online Social Networks. InfoVis 2005.
Wednesday, November 2 Search and Documents
Serial Periodic Data Comparison by Itai BricknerReadings
Mika Kaki. Findex: Search Result Categories Help Users when Document Ranking Fails. ACM CHI 2005.
Optional Readings
Marti Hearst. TileBars: Visualization of Term Distribution Information. ACM CHI 1995.
Monday, November 7 Search and Documents (cont)
Also, go over EDA assignmentWednesday, November 9 Reports on Infoviz and UIST
Guest lectures by Jeff Heer and Rowena LukProject Design Reviews
Monday, November 14 Project Design Reviews
IRC Chat
Wednesday, November 16 Project Design Reviews
GeneViz (PD-TF)
Monday, November 21 Project Design Reviews
Wednesday, November 23 Project Design Reviews
Visual Explorations
Monday, November 28 Visualization and the Arts
Optional Readings
The works of Ben Fry, Golan Levin, Jonathan Harris, Fernanda Viégas, Martin Wattenberg, and others.
Wednesday, November 30Empirical Evaluation of Visualizations
Optional Readings
Monday, December 5 Visualization on
Small Devices; Course Summary
A fisheye calendar interface for PDAs: providing overviews for small displays (short version), Ben Bederson et al., CHI 2003.Halo: A Technique for Visualizing Off-Screen Locations Baudisch, P. and Rosenholtz, R., CHI 2003.
Optional Readings
DateLens: A Fisheye Calendar Interface for PDAs (optional long version) Ben Bederson et al., ACM TOCHI, 2004.
Peephole Displays: Pen Interaction on Spatially Aware Handheld Computers Ka-Ping Yee, CHI 2003.
Wednesday, December 7 Guest Lecture: Maneesh Agrawala
Monday, December 12 Final Projects Due
(No class.)Assignments
Project Final Write-Up Due