R3. Winkler & Pilgrim, "A Survey of Traceability in Requirements Engineering and Model-Driven Development" (Selections)
Wed, 08/17/2011 - 10:52am — monica
Stefan Winkler and Jens von Pilgrim, "A Survey of Traceability in Requirements Engineering and Model-Driven Development", Software and Systems Modeling, 2009.
2.2 Terminology p. 531; terms like "artifact" and "trace"
2.2.2 Requirements Traceability p. 532; understand the concept of traceability links, backwards and forward traceability
2.3 Traceability schemes and metamodels p. 535; this is critical: the traceability scheme is the metamodel for the information you collect about each trace -- a list of questions like what, who, where, etc.
2.4 Traceability Link Types (starting with the 8 types of links in the lower right) p.537; the most important for us are the first few: dependency, refinement, evolution, satisfiability
3.1 Activities Supporting Traceability p. 539
3.2 and 3.2.1 Making Use of Traces p. 540; a list of all the uses of traces
3.3 - 3.3.4 Representation and Visualization of Traces p. 542