Info 218: Concepts of Information
School of Information, UC Berkeley, Spring 2010
Paul Duguid, Geoff Nunberg, instructors
(Full references, links, and additional
sources are listed on the
Readings page)
Week 1
19 Jan: Introduction
21 Jan: Information and "information" -- what's in a word?
Week 2
26 Jan: Ischool identities
28 Jan: Exercise/discussion: Consuming information
Week 3
2 Feb: How much information?
4 Feb: Exercise/discussion: Information and the public sphere
Week 4
9 Feb: Information and news
11 Feb: Information and the organization of knowledge
Week 5
16 Feb: Exercise/discussion: Wikipedia project
18 Feb: Exercise/discussion: Objectivity
Week 6
23 Feb: Information and the public
25 Feb: Exercise/discussion: Searching the law
Week 7
2 Mar: Legal information - Guest lecture
4 Mar: Exercise/discussion: Information and the census
Week 8
9 Mar: Information and the state
11 Mar: Information and politics:
Week 9
16 Mar: Information and politics: Exercise/discussion
18 Mar: Discussion of student papers and projects
[final project/paper proposals due]
Week 10
Midterm break
- No classes -
Week 11
30 Mar: Information science -- Guest lecture
1 Apr: Information theory-Philosophy of information
Week 12
6 Apr: Exercise/discussion:
8 Apr: Information and economics
Week 13
13 Apr:Information and economics (continued)
15 Apr: Philosophy of Information (Brian Smith, guest)
[final project outlines due]
Week 14
20 Apr: Banwagon effects
22 Apr: Search
Week 15
27 Apr: Information and cognitive science
29 Apr: Information as social capital
Week 16
4 May: Presentations
14 May: Assignments/Papers due