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  = Resources located external to CDL    &  = not available in the prototype

Databases  Library Catalogs  MELVYL Union Catalog
UC Campus Library Catalogs (8) 
Non-UC campus Catalogs (6) 
Journal Article Indexes  ABI/Inform - Citations, abstracts, and some full-text from 1,000 business, management, finance, and economics journals, 1971-present
Academic Universe (LEXIS-NEXIS) - full-text of news, business, and legal information
AGRICOLA [via Community of Science]- Agricultural citations, 1979-present
AIDSDRUGS [via Internet Grateful Med] - Dictionary of AIDS drugs
AIDSLINE [via Internet Grateful Med]
AIDSTRIALS [via Internet Grateful Med]
Anthropological Literature 
Anthropological Literature [via Eureka/RLG]
ArtAbstracts - 1984-present
ArtAbstracts [via FirstSearch/OCLC] - 1984-present
ArticleFirst [via FirstSearch/OCLC] - citations from 11,000 inter-disciplinary journals, 1990-
Arts and Humanities Citation Index - citations from 7,900 journals, 1994-present 
Associations Unlimited (GaleNet)
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals 
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals [via Eureka/RLG]
Bibliography of Asian Studies 
Bibliography of the History of Art [via Eureka/RLG]- art citations and abstracts, 1973-present
BIOETHICSLINE [via Internet Grateful Med]
BIOSIS Previews - biology citations & abstracts, 1985-present
Blackwell's Table of Contents [via Eureka/RLG]
Books in Print [via FirstSearch/OCLC]
California Periodicals 
ChemID [via Internet Grateful Med]
Chicano [via Eureka/RLG]
CLNet - Chicano/LatinoNet
Computer Articles 
Congressional Universe 
ContentsFirst [via FirstSearch/OCLC] - journal tables of contents & holdings, 1990-present
Current Contents - citations from 6,500 interdisciplinary journals, 1989-present
DIRLINE [via Internet Grateful Med] - health & biomedical resources and contact information
Earthquake Engineering Abstracts 
English Short Title Catalogue [via Eureka/RLG]
Environmental Information Resources 
ERIC [via Cambridge Scientific Abstracts]
ERIC [via FirstSearch/OCLC]
ERIC [via telnet-Stanford/Folio]
Eureka (Research Libraries Group)
FirstSearch (OCLC)
FRANCIS [via Eureka/RLG] - multi-lingual, multi-disciplinary records and abstracts, 1984-present
GeoRef [via telnet-Stanford/Folio]
Global Legal Information Network (GLIN) 
Government Printing Office-GPO [via FirstSearch/OCLC]
GPO Access 
Hand Press Book File [via Eureka/RLG]
Handbook of Latin American Studies 
Hapi Online 
HarpWeek - "Harpers Weekly", full images, 1857-1865
HealthSTAR [via Internet Grateful Med]
HISTLINE [via Internet Grateful Med] - citations about the history of health, 1964-present
History of Science and Technology [via Eureka/RLG]
HSRPROJ [via Internet Grateful Med]
IBM Intellectual Property Network (IPN) 
Index to 19th-Century American Art Periodicals [via Eureka/RLG]
Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals [via Eureka/RLG]
Inside Information PLUS [via Eureka/RLG]
LION: Literature Online 
Los Alamos National Laboratory E-Print Archive 
Magazine and Journal Articles - citations & abstracts of popular & scholarly journals & magazines, 1988-present
MEDLINE [via Internet Grateful Med] - medical journal citations & abstracts, 1966-present
MEDLINE [via PubMed] - medical journal citations & abstracts, 1966-present
MEDLINE/HealthSTAR - medical journal citations & abstracts, 1966-present
MLA Bibliography 
MLA Bibliography [via FirstSearch/OCLC]
NetFirst [via FirstSearch/OCLC] - citations & abstracts; includes Internet resources
Networked Computer Science Technical Reference Library (NCSTRL) 
Newspaper Articles 
PAIS International [via FirstSearch/OCLC]
PapersFirst [via FirstSearch/OCLC]
PCI: Periodicals Contents Index - citations to 2,000 journals, to 1990
PDQ (Physician Data Query) 
POPLINE [via Internet Grateful Med] - population resource citations, 1970-present
Proceedings [via FirstSearch/OCLC]
PsycINFO - citations to 1,300 psychology journals & publications, 1887-present
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature [via FirstSearch/OCLC]
RLIN Bibliographic File 
RLIN Bibliographic File [via Eureka/RLG]
Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies [via Eureka/RLG]
SCIPIO: Art and Rare Book Sales Catalogs [via Eureka/RLG] - art and rare book sales records, 1500's-present
Social Sciences Citation Index 
Sociological Abstracts [via Cambridge Scientific Abstracts]
SPACELINE [via Internet Grateful Med]
TOXLINE [via Internet Grateful Med]
USDA Nutrient Database 
USPTO Web Patent Databas e
Web of Science - science, social science, and humanities journal citations, 1994-present
WorldCat [via FirstSearch/OCLC]
Electronic Journals - full text (2,394)  Arts and Humanities() 
Biological and Medical Sciences () 
General Interest and Reference () 
Geographical (by Place) () 
History () 
Physical Science () 
Social Science () 
Finding Aids to Special Archives  Collections of Photographs () 
Collection of Papers () 
Others Collections () 
Reference Texts  Almanacs (2) 
Encyclopedia (2) 
Directories (3) 
Others (2) 


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