A1. 202 In The News |
Assignment Instructions |
bryan |
Wed, 2012-08-22 17:20 |
Yes |
A Smarter Dictionary for Translation |
Blog entry |
Chan Kim |
Tue, 2012-11-06 09:35 |
Yes |
A Simplified Diagnosis Tool to help Reduce Cattle Fatalities |
Blog entry |
ashley.desouza |
Sat, 2012-09-01 16:23 |
Yes |
A novel organizing system for travel buffs |
Blog entry |
mgutman |
Mon, 2012-09-03 22:46 |
Yes |
A good use of encyclopedias in the age of the Internet... artwork. #i202 http://t.co/NtSVNo1R |
Activity Stream Item |
isha |
Fri, 2012-11-02 15:22 |
Yes |
@rjglushko Slide38 could be found by searching for "stink bug" Scientific name: Pentatomidae #i202 http://t.co/FQ51eLVV http://t.co/JHkresxj |
Activity Stream Item |
deb |
Tue, 2013-01-22 03:41 |
Yes |
7.3.2 typo in the last line of fourth paragraph. It should be “Cavalry” #i202 #tdofix |
Activity Stream Item |
haroon |
Tue, 2012-10-16 05:47 |
Yes |
6.3.1 - Para 2 - Sentence 1 needs revision."Enumerative categories enable membership to unambiguously determined set...." #i202 #tdofix |
Activity Stream Item |
bharath |
Wed, 2012-10-24 05:03 |
Yes |
55 great minutes of and about content. #i202 #SoundCloud: http://t.co/uUZpKFLe |
Activity Stream Item |
scott.martin |
Fri, 2012-10-12 14:36 |
Yes | typo in the last line of second paragraph. It should be section #i202 #tdofix |
Activity Stream Item |
haroon |
Sat, 2012-09-22 17:13 |
Yes |