In a time when data extracting electronic devices are in the
process of getting synchronized with human body ()
to give them a longer and healthier life no business can’t afford to stay away
from incorporating data driven pulses in their business decision and strategy.
While many companies are working for capturing the systole and diastole of
their client’s businesses through different ways Chartbeat ()
is definitely one of the best in the business.
So, why measuring the digital systole and diastole is so
important? Though it’s true that only 8% of the customer transaction of the US
market operates online but the growing trend is enormous besides the role of
internet in decision making is increasing exponentially. Thousands of companies
are trying to extend their services with the hope of conquering the digital
space but history knows only very few of them could successfully translate
their investment to revenue; in this situation it’s very important to know and
understand the people in certain websites and the related contexts with them.
Apart from the mere traffic related numbers and historical data analysis
Chartbeat gives an extensive range of information such as the sources (in
categories like Social, Link, Search Term, Search site etc), geo-location of
the users (country and state wise with detail and interactive maps), in depth
analysis of social sources with great amount of innovative data visualization.
The best part of Chartbeat is that they do real-time text
analytics for the contents in the search terms and results related to the site.
They use advanced algorithms to tackle different data filtering issues to
present comprehensive result to the clients. The text analytics takes care of
the contexts and segmented user bucket for each distinguishable section and
that gives the clients the chance to do in depth analysis which can be used for
many different purposes ranging from addressing critical firefighting situation
to making long term business decisions.
Recently in Digital Innovation Summit in San Fransisco where
some of the continuing Chartbeat customers expressed the influence of Chartbeat
making in their business decisions also demonstrated usefulness to track the
trends and make the contents of their sites more relevant with the help of
Chartbeat. In the same event CEOH! Tony Haile apart from talking about his
company product strongly expressed his views about decentralization and
modularization of data insight among organization hierarchies for better
business results.
Future only will tell us if we will have a brand new Toyota
like fairy tale again in this Data Age.