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Great iphone app for kids, a digital zoo #i202 #i228 Activity Stream Item hintzemichael September 12, 2011 - 14:20 Yes
Giving the Internet Senses Blog entry sam September 12, 2011 - 15:57 Yes
R5. Smith, Abby – "Authenticity in a Digital Environment" (p. 77-84) Resource jlzych September 12, 2011 - 16:08 Yes
Interactions and Maintaining resources: Google Explores Re-Ranking Search Results Using +1 Button Data #i202 Activity Stream Item Ruidai September 12, 2011 - 17:26 Yes
Social Bookmarking Blog entry anitameng2011 September 12, 2011 - 22:24 Yes
L5. Resources Class Meeting jlzych September 13, 2011 - 16:34 Yes
The global memex or the world library #i202 Activity Stream Item gaurav.shetti September 14, 2011 - 02:43 Yes
Don Quixote: published in two volumes a decade apart (in 1605 and 1615). #i202 Activity Stream Item GSIs September 14, 2011 - 09:06 Yes
MARC must die! #i202 Activity Stream Item GSIs September 14, 2011 - 09:06 Yes
YourGov allows you to request and monitor actions of your municipality via a mobile app. #i202 Activity Stream Item philip.foeckler September 15, 2011 - 09:39 Yes
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