Archive Rwanda, a digital archive now available to the public,
documents the 1994 murders of millions of Rwandans. Born
out of the collaboration between the Kigali Genocide Memorial, Aegis
Trust, Rwanda's National Commission for the Fight Against Genocide
and the Human Rights Documentation Initiative (HRDI) at the
Historypin, a collaboration between Google and the nonprofit We Are What We Do, is a dedicated space for people to build collections of photos and narratives throughout history. Photos are uploaded, credited, and contextualized (on the right side) and give different (or more flattened) perspectives of historical events, eras, and people. The site leverages a Google Maps API to crowdsource and present location data.
Evoz has taken a data source popularly believed to be of little value and transforming it into potentially life saving information. Evoz decided to look into the communication of babies at their most intense point: when they are crying.