qqz's blog

Hierarchical Classification of Geekdoms

This infographic traces the "Evolution of the Geek" - how the meaning and connotations of the word has changed over time, and a classification of the different types of geek. What was once an insult has now become almost a point of pride.

When Computers Come Between Doctors and Patients

Dr. Danielle Ofri writes about her experience with electronic medical records. MRI scans, X-ray, CT scans, and EKG are digitized, viewable by any doctor in the hospital. This facilitates hospital processes by personalizing lab results for individual doctors and reminding them to ask certain questions, as well as storing each patient's history in one easily accessible place. Doctors can keep track of their patients' records and histories without having to hunt them down, and it prevents information from being lost or misread due to bad handwriting.

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