
Anticipating Tuesday’s vote on Prop 19, web speculators hoard marijuana-related web domain names

This is an interesting example of how people value and commoditize identifiers on the Internet in response to changes in the political and cultural landscape: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/28/us/28pot.html?ref=technology.

When a person dies

“When a tiger dies, it leaves its skin behind. When a person dies, he leaves his name behind.” Chinese proverb

As you know, we die someday. We will leave what we had, made and used. Nowadays, we are living on the web as well as physical world. On the web, we not only meet friends and family, also make a new friends. More works are done by and seen on the web. What is not on the web is sometimes regarded as even not existing. Then, what will happen to “my existence on the web” after I died?

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