
An outlook for our Wine tasting: Familiarize with Flavours - Get to know the Facets and Categories

In prospect of our wine tasting next week:

I'd like you to point you to a very 202ish case of applications of facets: "The Wine Wheel" (

Also, it is interesting to combine the classic categories of wines (red wines, white wines, and Merlot etc.) with the facet flavours. (

George W. Bush's memoirs - autobiography or advice book?

 In the November 29, 2010 edition of "The New Yorker," George Packer writes a review of George W. Bush's memoirs ("Decision Points"). According to Packer, the book goes beyond making a "contribution to the study of American history." Bush Jr. also wanted to "join the section of advice tips from successful executives." How would you shelve this memoir?

Which room is the northwest room in your house?

Guy Deutscher writes an interesting article asking "how our mother tongue really shapes our experience of the world". He inquires about categories in the most abstract sense, by exploring whether our mother tongues "oblige" us to think in a certain way because of the constraints of the mother tongue itself.

Craigslist changes name of category - does anything else change?

Earlier this year, Craigslist, facing bad publicity and legal pressure, changed its "erotic services" category to "adult services". The site now charges $10 for each ad, and manually reviews each ad to ensure guideline compliance. When I originally read this article - and never having used that part of Craigslist (I tend to stick to the PG part) - I wondered if a name change would change anything at all?

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