Third-party Content

Web Architecture and Information Management [./]
Spring 2011 — INFO 153 (CCN 42509)

Erik Wilde and Dilan Mahendran, UC Berkeley School of Information

Creative Commons License []

This work is licensed under a CC
Attribution 3.0 Unported License

Contents Erik Wilde and Dilan Mahendran: Third-party Content


Erik Wilde and Dilan Mahendran: Third-party Content

(2) Abstract

HTML pages served by one web server can "host" content from a 3rd-party web server. That functionality is basic to the Web, but it has only really been exploited in recent years. In this lecture we'll look at methods for including 3rd-party content in web page, and some common patterns of application that use these methods.

Erik Wilde and Dilan Mahendran: Third-party Content

(3) The Rise of 3rd-Party Content

img/webparts.png []

Transclusion Technologies

Outline (Transclusion Technologies)

  1. Transclusion Technologies [5]
  2. Third-Party Content Patterns [6]

(5) Transclusion

(6) iframes

<iframe src="" width="50%" height="450px" style="float: right; margin: 20px;">

(7) Embedded Objects

<object width="640" height="385" style="float: right; margin: 20px;">
<param name="movie" value=""></param>
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param>
<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param>
<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed>

(8) Javascript Widgets

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script>if (WIDGETBOX) WIDGETBOX.renderWidget('d8e2e8e9-8b6d-4f9f-a143-b1dd4347e398');</script>

(9) Server-Side Transclusion


Third-Party Content Patterns

Outline (Third-Party Content Patterns)

  1. Transclusion Technologies [5]
  2. Third-Party Content Patterns [6]

(11) Social Media

img/widgetnetworkeffect.png []

(12) Widget Marketing Success


(13) Widget Portals

img/igoogle.gif []

img/netvibes.png []

(14) Widget Platforms

img/fb-platform.jpg []

img/google_wave.jpg []

(15) Advertising

(16) “Outsourcing”

img/disqus.gif []

img/gravatar.png []

Erik Wilde and Dilan Mahendran: Third-party Content

(17) Conclusions

2011-04-06 Web Architecture and Information Management [./]
Spring 2011 — INFO 153 (CCN 42509)