
November 24, 2007
Reading for November 27th, are now posted. Enjoy!

October 2, 2007
To upload your thoughtless acts, create a new assignment page like any other lab. You'll see "Thoughtless Acts" listed as one of the assignment options.

May 24, 2008
This site has been archived and is no longer editable. Stay tuned for the next version, coming in the fall!

Student Project Page for Aylin Selcukoglu

List of all student projects. You should post all of your work on this page. To create a new project click here. And for a sample of what your project page should include, see Dave's example.

Alternately, you can view the list of projects grouped by assignment.

Children's Potty PartyMidterm Project 1 - Group project proposal
Anirban Sen
Aylin Selcukoglu
Katherine Ahern
Happy Halloween! GhostLab 6 - Output: DC motors
Aylin Selcukoglu
Potty Party Final Progress ReportFinal Project 2 - Progress Report
Anirban Sen
Aylin Selcukoglu
Katherine Ahern
Collaborative Decision Making/VotingLab 4 - Sensors: Force sensitive resistors and photocells
Aylin Selcukoglu
Blinking LEDLab 1 - Introduction to Physical Computing
Aylin Selcukoglu
Potty Party Final Project ProposalFinal Project 1 - Group formation and proposal
Anirban Sen
Aylin Selcukoglu
Katherine Ahern
Potty Party - FinalFinal Project 4 - Final write up
Anirban Sen
Aylin Selcukoglu
Katherine Ahern
Color Mixer with DiffuserLab 2 - Digital Input and Output with Arduino boards
Aylin Selcukoglu
Some Thoughtless ActsThoughtless Acts
Aylin Selcukoglu
Message in a BottleLab 5 - Output: Piezo speakers/Processing
Aylin Selcukoglu
3 Pot RainbowLab 3 - Sensors: Analog input and LEDs
Aylin Selcukoglu
Potty Party (poster)Midterm Project 3 - Final presentation
Anirban Sen
Aylin Selcukoglu
Katherine Ahern
A BoxLab 9 - Synthesis: Invent a musical instrument (Group work)
Aylin Selcukoglu
Jess Kline
Travis Pinnick
Children's Potty Party SketchMidterm Project 2 - Progress sketches
Anirban Sen
Aylin Selcukoglu
Katherine Ahern
Come Here, Celly!Lab 7 - Output: Servo motors
Aylin Selcukoglu
Shawna Hein
Lab 8 Alarming Chicken ClockLab 8 - Output: Simple Mechanics
Aylin Selcukoglu
Seung Wan Hong
Seung Wook Kim
Shawna Hein

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