Offline-Capable Applications

Web Architecture [./]
Fall 2011 — INFO 253 (CCN 42598)

Dilan Mahendran, UC Berkeley School of Information

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This work is licensed under a CC
Attribution 3.0 Unported License

Contents D. Mahendran: Offline-Capable Applications


D. Mahendran: Offline-Capable Applications

(2) Abstract

Mobile settings should not rely on the client being online all the time. For Web-based applications, however, this is a challenge, because the traditional model of Web-based applications has no notion of offline mode. HTML5, however, introduces the ability to design and build offline-capable applications. One important part of that is local storage, the ability to persistently store data on the client. The other important part is the application cache, the ability of a Web-based application to list all the resources that are necessary for offline mode. Clients can then reliably store all these files locally for offline capabilities.

Web-Oriented Runtime Platforms

Outline (Web-Oriented Runtime Platforms)

  1. Web-Oriented Runtime Platforms [8]
  2. Webless Web-Based Applications [2]
  3. Caching Application Code [4]
  4. Detecting State Changes [2]
  5. Caching Application Data [5]
Web-Oriented Runtime Platforms D. Mahendran: Offline-Capable Applications

(4) Native vs. Web Applications

Web-Oriented Runtime Platforms D. Mahendran: Offline-Capable Applications

(5) Mobile Platform Overview


Web-Oriented Runtime Platforms D. Mahendran: Offline-Capable Applications

(6) Web-Based Mobile Platform


Web-Oriented Runtime Platforms D. Mahendran: Offline-Capable Applications

(7) iPhone Platform


Web-Oriented Runtime Platforms D. Mahendran: Offline-Capable Applications

(8) Web as a Platform

Web-Oriented Runtime Platforms D. Mahendran: Offline-Capable Applications

(9) Current Web Capabilities

Web-Oriented Runtime Platforms D. Mahendran: Offline-Capable Applications

(10) HTML5 Capabilities

Web-Oriented Runtime Platforms D. Mahendran: Offline-Capable Applications

(11) Missing Pieces

Webless Web-Based Applications

Outline (Webless Web-Based Applications)

  1. Web-Oriented Runtime Platforms [8]
  2. Webless Web-Based Applications [2]
  3. Caching Application Code [4]
  4. Detecting State Changes [2]
  5. Caching Application Data [5]
Webless Web-Based Applications D. Mahendran: Offline-Capable Applications

(13) Limitations of Web-based Applications

Webless Web-Based Applications D. Mahendran: Offline-Capable Applications

(14) iPhone Apps

Caching Application Code

Outline (Caching Application Code)

  1. Web-Oriented Runtime Platforms [8]
  2. Webless Web-Based Applications [2]
  3. Caching Application Code [4]
  4. Detecting State Changes [2]
  5. Caching Application Data [5]
Caching Application Code D. Mahendran: Offline-Capable Applications

(16) Going Offline/Online

Caching Application Code D. Mahendran: Offline-Capable Applications

(17) HTTP Cache vs. AppCache

Caching Application Code D. Mahendran: Offline-Capable Applications

(18) What Applications Need

Caching Application Code D. Mahendran: Offline-Capable Applications

(19) Media Resources


Detecting State Changes

Outline (Detecting State Changes)

  1. Web-Oriented Runtime Platforms [8]
  2. Webless Web-Based Applications [2]
  3. Caching Application Code [4]
  4. Detecting State Changes [2]
  5. Caching Application Data [5]
Detecting State Changes D. Mahendran: Offline-Capable Applications

(21) Going Offline/Online

interface Window {
// the user agent
	readonly attribute Navigator navigator; 
	readonly attribute ApplicationCache applicationCache;
// ....
	attribute Function onoffline;
	attribute Function ononline;
// .... };
interface Navigator {
  // objects implementing this interface also implement the interfaces given below };
Navigator implements NavigatorID;
Navigator implements NavigatorOnLine;
Navigator implements NavigatorAbilities;

[Supplemental, NoInterfaceObject]
interface NavigatorOnLine {
	readonly attribute boolean onLine; };

Detecting State Changes D. Mahendran: Offline-Capable Applications

(22) Minimal Online/Offline Demo

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html manifest="manifest.appcache">
  <title>Minimal Online/Offline Demo</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="minimal.css"/>
   function updateOnlineStatus(msg) {
    var condition = navigator.onLine ? "online" : "offline";
    document.getElementById("state").innerHTML = condition;
    var attempt = navigator.onLine ? "can" : "cannot";
    document.getElementById("attempt").innerHTML = attempt;
    var submit = document.getElementById("submit");
    if ( navigator.onLine ) { submit.removeAttribute("disabled");
    } else { submit.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); };
    var button = navigator.onLine ? "enabled" : "disabled";
    document.getElementById("log").appendChild(document.createTextNode(msg + ":" + condition + "; "));};
   function loaded() {
    window.addEventListener("offline", function() {
    }, false);
    window.addEventListener("online", function() {
    }, false);};
 <body onload="loaded()">
  <h1>Minimal <a href="">Online/Offline</a> Demo</h1>
  <p>You are currently <b id="state">in limbo</b>.</p>
  <p>You <span id="attempt">can try to</span> <input id="submit" type="submit" value="submit your request"/>.</p>
  <div id="log"></div>

Caching Application Data

Outline (Caching Application Data)

  1. Web-Oriented Runtime Platforms [8]
  2. Webless Web-Based Applications [2]
  3. Caching Application Code [4]
  4. Detecting State Changes [2]
  5. Caching Application Data [5]
Caching Application Data D. Mahendran: Offline-Capable Applications

(24) Going Offline/Online

Caching Application Data D. Mahendran: Offline-Capable Applications

(25) Media Resources


Caching Application Data D. Mahendran: Offline-Capable Applications

(26) Minimal Online/Offline Demo

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html manifest="manifest.appcache">
  <title>Minimal Online/Offline Demo</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="minimal.css"/>
AddType text/cache-manifest .appcache

Caching Application Data D. Mahendran: Offline-Capable Applications

(27) Manifest Sections

/ /offline.html

Caching Application Data D. Mahendran: Offline-Capable Applications

(28) Updating Cached Applications

interface ApplicationCache {
// update status
	const unsigned short UNCACHED = 0;
	const unsigned short IDLE = 1;
	const unsigned short CHECKING = 2;
	const unsigned short DOWNLOADING = 3;
	const unsigned short UPDATEREADY = 4;
	const unsigned short OBSOLETE = 5;
	readonly attribute unsigned short status;
// updates
	void update();
	void swapCache();
// events
	attribute Function onchecking;
	attribute Function onerror;
	attribute Function onnoupdate;
	attribute Function ondownloading;
	attribute Function onprogress;
	attribute Function onupdateready;
	attribute Function oncached;
	attribute Function onobsolete;

2011-09-22 Web Architecture [./]
Fall 2011 — INFO 253 (CCN 42598)