linked data

The Science of Sarcasm

Last year, a group of computer scientists from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem developed an algorithm that detects online sarcasm. The “semi-supervised sarcasm identification algorithm," or SASI, achieved 77% precision in recognizing sarcasm in Tweets and Amazon product reviews--a discovery which has positive implications for the semantic web.

Historypin, A New Tool for Digital Storytelling

Historypin, a collaboration between Google and the nonprofit We Are What We Do, is a dedicated space for people to build collections of photos and narratives throughout history. Photos are uploaded, credited, and contextualized (on the right side) and give different (or more flattened) perspectives of historical events, eras, and people. The site leverages a Google Maps API to crowdsource and present location data.

What's in a Tweet?

Partial Picture of Tweet MetadataIn his blog post about Twitter status objects, Raffi Krikorian, Director of Twitter's Application Services, breaks down the metadata stored in each and every tweet.

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