
Digital Merit Badges: Recognition for 21st Century Skills

Digital badges are icons that individuals can display on their website, blog, or social media profile to get recognition for informal and formal learning outside of school. Mozilla's Open Badges Project, in partnership with the MacArthur Foundation, seeks to develop a common standard or protocol for the badges so they will work across the Web in various platforms. In addition, MacArthur has started a “Badges for Lifelong Learning” competition to develop sets of badges.

The Importance of Community Voices in Metadata Creation

Archive Rwanda, a digital archive now available to the public,
documents the 1994 murders of millions of Rwandans.
out of the collaboration between the Kigali Genocide Memorial, Aegis
Trust, Rwanda's National Commission for the Fight Against Genocide
and the Human Rights Documentation Initiative (HRDI) at the

Adobe Kuler: The Coolest Color Themes Online Management Tool Ever