cpenny's blog

Jeopardy: human vs. computer

Remember when the "chess-playing computer" beat a chess champion in 1997? Well, IBM is now ready to unveil a computer that can translate the nuanced vernacular of Jeopardy (the game). Check it out in this article.

Google's search algorithm opens them to an antitrust probe.

EU launches antirust probe into Google

"The issue could boil down to whether Google has a right to program its search engine the way it wants or whether it is abusing the market power it has accumulated by processing about two out of three search requests made worldwide."

One word, multiple meanings, and a teacher who lost his job over it.

Cono. Curse word or a friendly expression amongst friends? Well, according to this article it all depends on which Spanish-speaking country (if any) you are from as well as the context and tone of the speaker. However, here on the page, the word likely means nothing because there's no tilde over the "n."

George W. Bush's memoirs - autobiography or advice book?

 In the November 29, 2010 edition of "The New Yorker," George Packer writes a review of George W. Bush's memoirs ("Decision Points"). According to Packer, the book goes beyond making a "contribution to the study of American history." Bush Jr. also wanted to "join the section of advice tips from successful executives." How would you shelve this memoir?

Would you like a vocabulary problem with that schnitzel?

Portion control is about more than calories. It's also about taxes.



Google shaves even more seconds off of search!

"Google Inc. unveiled a major upgrade to its search engine today, showing off a new feature that promises to shave seconds off most online searches by attempting to predict what users are looking for before they're done typing the query."

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