Assignment 2

Due Tues, Sep 11

Please create a single zip file named <userid> (i.e. that contains two files: (the solution of question 1) (the solution of question 2)

Email your solutions to kay <at> ischool. Include comments in each script stating your name, the name of any collaborators, and approximate time it took you to complete the exercise.

Question 3 is due on Tuesday, Sep 18th. Please check below for more details

1. Write a script that prompts the user for a number of gallons of gasoline. Reprint that value, along with its conversion to other measurements:

Figures to use:

2. Write a script that prompts the user for their name. The script should then print the lyrics to the song below, giving the user’s name a new first letter in each line. If the first letter of the original name is a consonant, it should be deleted and replaced by the new letter. Otherwise, the new letter should be inserted before the first letter of the name.

Enter your name: Paul
Paul Paul Bo Baul
Banana Fanna Fo Faul
Me My Mo Maul

Enter your name: Ann
Ann Ann Bo BAnn
Banana Fanna Fo FAnn
Me My Mo MAnn

Assignment 2 Question 3

Due Tues, Sept 18

Please create a single zip file named <userid> (i.e. that contains only one file: (the solution of question 3)

Email your solutions to kay <at> ischool. Include comments in each script stating your name, the name of any collaborators, and approximate time it took you to complete the exercise.

3. Write a script that prompts the user for an integer tree size, then displays a number tree as shown below:

Enter a size: 5

If you are having trouble, see the hint here.