Assignment 1

Due Tues, Sep 4

Install Python on your laptop. Note that this course will use Python 3, which includes substantial changes compared to Python 2.x. The latest version of Python 3 can be found at in the download section.

Windows users will need to download a windows installer. There are actually two installers available. The one labeled 64 will only work on 64-bit systems. To see whether your Windows version is 64-bit, see the instructions at:

Mac users also have two installers, depending on their version of Mac OS. For OS 10.6 users, you can find out whether your processor is 32 bit or 64 bit by following the instructions here:

Once you install Python, open IDLE and write a short program. This can be one line, like the hello world program:

print(“hello world!”)

There are many other examples given in the textbook.

Hit F5 to run your program and make sure it works. Then save it as and email it to paul at ischool with I90 Assignment 1 in the subject.