INFOSYS 296A / Section 3 |
Economics of Intellectual Property for the Information Age Tenative Class Schedule |
Jan. 25 | What Role for Economics in Intellectual Property Law & Policy? Pamela Samuelson and Suzanne Scotchmer |
Feb. 1 | The Information Economy -- What Is It Exactly Michael Borrus, BRIE, UC Berkeley |
Feb. 8 | The Sale of Ideas:
Strategic Disclosure, Property Rights, and Incomplete Contracts Dennis Yao, Wharton, U. Penn. |
Feb. 17 (Wed, 4-6, Rm. 202) | Economics of Digital Information Hal Varian, SIMS, UC Berkeley |
Feb. 22 | Economics of Information Sharing Douglas Lichtman, University of Chicago Law School |
March 1 | Ownership of Collaborative Works Rochelle Dreyfuss, NYU Law School |
March 8 | Network Effects and Intellectual Property Mark Lemley, University of Texas Law School |
March 15 | Lochner in Cyberspace Julie Cohen, University of Pittsburgh Law School (visiting at U Michigan Law School) |
March 29 | Technical Protection Systems for Digital Information Joan Feigenbaum, AT&T Research |
April 5 | Sui Generis Protection of Databases Richard Gilbert, Pamela Samuelson, Suzanne Scotchmer, Steve Maurer, UC Berkeley S. Maurer, Raw Knowledge: Protecting Technical Databases for Science & Industry. |
April 12 | Covenants Not to Compete Ronald Gilson, Stanford Law School |
April 19 | Patents for Business Methods Robert Merges, UC Berkeley |
April 26 | Recouping R&D Costs in the Biotech Field Bob Blackburn, Chiron |
May 3 | Communities of Innovation Woody Powell, U Arizona |
May 10 | Tragedy of the Anti-Commons Rebecca Eisenberg, University of Michigan Law School |
feedback to webmaster ~ updated Jan. 25, 1999 |