1. Re-usable Complex Types
  2. Only Elements are in the Document
  3. Schema Composition
  4. xs:include
  5. xs:import
  6. Example of Import
  7. Import Chains
  8. Three Simple Rules for the Instance
  9. Import Chains Example
  10. Import Chains and the Instance
  11. Local Elements and Importing
  12. A Rainbow of Namespaces
  13. Qualifying All Local Elements
  14. Simple Type Derivation
  15. Restricting Values
  16. Range Restrictions
  17. Length Restrictions
  18. Digit Restrictions
  19. Whitespace Restrictions
  20. Enumerated Value Restrictions
  21. Pattern Restrictions
  22. Atomic Values and Types
  23. List Simple Types
  24. List Simple Types - Inlining Types
  25. Union Simple Types
  26. Documentation
  27. Documenting an Element
  28. Documenting a Type
  29. Documenting an Attribute
  30. Fully Document Your Schemata
  31. PSVI
  32. PSVI Element Annotations
  33. PSVI Attribute Annotations
  34. Schema Components
  35. Schema Information Component
  36. Element Declaration Component
  37. Complex Type Definition Component