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Theory and Practice of Tangible User Interfaces

Taijitu Cuckoo Clock

Submitted by RyanKaufman on Wed, 10/29/2008 - 23:59

Assignment: Simple Mechanics: Cuckoo Clock

Collaborators: ash


Two servos slide the doors open along the plane of the face, and one extends "the bird" while yin and yang have separated. It is controlled by the serial example below.




3 servos (Futaba 3003)


Old toy kit






* modified 2008 for 3 servos

* Servo Control Serial
* modified for TUI October 2007
* Servo Serial Better
* -------------------
* Created 18 October 2006
* copyleft 2006 Tod E. Kurt <>
* adapted from ""

int servoPin1 = 7;      // Control pin for servo motor
int servoPin2 = 8;
int servoPin3 = 6;
int pulseWidth = 0;    // Amount to pulse the servo
long lastPulse = 0;    // the time in millisecs of the last pulse
int refreshTime = 20;  // the time in millisecs needed in between pulses
int val;               // variable used to store data from serial port

int minPulse = 500;   // minimum pulse width
int maxPulse = 2250;  // maximum pulse width

void setup() {
pinMode(servoPin1, OUTPUT);  // Set servo pin as an output pin
pinMode(servoPin2, OUTPUT);
pulseWidth = minPulse;      // Set the motor position to the minimum
Serial.begin(9600);         // connect to the serial port8
Serial.println("Servo control program ready");

void loop() {
val =;      // read the serial port
if (val >= '1' && val <= '9' ) {
val = val - '0';        // convert val from character variable to number variable
val = val - 1;          // make val go from 0-8
pulseWidth = (val * (maxPulse-minPulse) / 8) + minPulse;  // convert val to microseconds
Serial.print("Moving servo to position ");
updateServo();   // update servo position

// called every loop().
// uses global variables servoPi, pulsewidth, lastPulse, & refreshTime
void updateServo() {
// pulse the servo again if rhe refresh time (20 ms) have passed:
if (millis() - lastPulse >= refreshTime) {
digitalWrite(servoPin1, HIGH);   // Turn on servo one and two
digitalWrite(servoPin2, HIGH);   
digitalWrite(servoPin3, HIGH);   //Turn on servo 3
delayMicroseconds(pulseWidth);  // Length of the pulse sets the motor position
digitalWrite(servoPin1, LOW);    // Turn the motor off
digitalWrite(servoPin2, LOW);
digitalWrite(servoPin3, LOW);    //Turn off servo 3
delayMicroseconds(pulseWidth);   //Length of pulse sets the servo position

lastPulse = millis();           // save the time of the last pulse