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Theory and Practice of Tangible User Interfaces

Thoughtless Acts

Submitted by xiaomeng on Tue, 10/21/2008 - 00:00

Assignment: Thoughtless Acts


1. Laundry Basket
I always put the red net in the laundry basket to separate my white clothes from the colored ones by putting them inside of the net. This way I don't need to sort them when I actually need to do laundry.
It would be nice if the laundry basket already has some sort of divider to help separate different clothes.


2. Towel hangers
I noticed that most bathrooms only come with one long towel bar, but we normally need space for more than one towels. Here is our solution to the problem. Individual hangers work much better.


3. To Do List on Computer
I see many people do that. It seems like we spend a lot of time near our computers, so posting to do notices on the computer will likely to be viewed.
It would be interested to have some easy access writing pad connect to the computer. Or maybe the screen saver can display a to-do list.


4. Bikers' pants
Bikers often try to roll up their pants so it doesn’t get caught in the chain.
Maybe the bike should have some sort of covers to help avoid this problem, or maybe the pedals need to be further away from the chain.


5. Hanging Clothes
The store hangs their clothes on the pipe due to the lack of shelf space. It may not be the safest solution, but it does help.
In this case, the store may want to install some hangers on the wall, or maybe get more shelves.