Assignment: Sensing PART II: Force sensors and photocells
Assignment: Sensing PART II: Force sensors and photocells
Used an FSR (Force Sensitive Resistor) as an input to control the volume in Mac OS X. I found some code online that would enable me to control AppleScript from Processing. Then I integrated that with the serial input from the Arduino board and used the values from the FSR to adjust the volume control. When there is no input (value = 0), then the volume does not get changed. Otherwise the volume will change depending on how hard you press on the control.
import*; import processing.serial.*; String portname = "/dev/tty.usbserial-A7006x13"; // or "COM5" Serial port; String buf=""; int cr = 13; // ASCII return == 13 int lf = 10; // ASCII linefeed == 10 PFont fontA; int currentVolume = 0; int maxSoFar = 0; void setup() { size(400,400); port = new Serial(this, portname, 9600); fontA = loadFont("Ziggurat-HTF-Black-32.vlw"); textFont(fontA, 32); } void keyPressed() { switch(key) { case('p'):iTunes("play");break; case('s'):iTunes("pause");break; } } void draw() { background(176); fill(0); text("Current volume: " + currentVolume, 10, 36); } void iTunes(String theCommand) { String script = "tell application \"iTunes\""+"\n" + theCommand + "\n" + "end tell"; executeScript(script); } void changeVolume(int volume) { println("changing volume " + volume); if (volume != 0) { currentVolume = volume; String script = "set volume output volume " + volume; executeScript(script); } } void executeScript(String script) { NSAppleScript myScript = new NSAppleScript(script); NSMutableDictionary errors = new NSMutableDictionary(); myScript.execute(errors); } // called whenever serial data arrives void serialEvent(Serial p) { int c =; if (c != lf && c != cr) { buf += char(c); } if (c == lf) { int val = int(buf); println("val="+val); buf = ""; if (val == 0) { maxSoFar = 0; } if (val != 0 && val > maxSoFar) { maxSoFar = val; changeVolume(val / 10); } } }