Electronic Publishing -- SIMS 290
Dale Dougherty
We're going to look at how three somewhat disjunct technology trends have shaped electronic publishing.
Macintosh Bit-mapped Display
The Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Laser Printers
Page Description Languages (PostScript)
Page Layout Programs
Three companies shaped desktop publishing, which might have been more appropriately called desktop production.
Apple commercialized
several different research technologies and in doing so developed a new market
for its Macintosh, which was released in 1984.
The Apple LaserWriter, which may be as important as the Macintosh, was released in 1985. First ones cost $17,000.
Founded in 1982 by John Warnock, a Xerox Parc researcher who had worked on laser printers and page description languages.
The killer app of desktop publishing: What You See is What You Get (WYSIWYG)
Later acquired by Adobe, Aldus retreated from its prominence -- Quark Xpress came to be the leading professional page layout solution.
Automates the process of publishing: editing, layout and typesetting of publications.
Results in lower production costs.
Reduces the time-to-market by eliminating steps in the production process.
Enables any organization and any individual to create high quality publications.
The Product is print; the by-product is that information now exists electronically.
A large capacity distribution medium in search of mixed-media content.
Microsoft a big supporter, primarily viewing it as a means for "bloatware" distribution.
A packaged product that blurs the line between software and "content."
"Our intention was to create a model for how hypermedia functionality should be handled at the system level, where linking would be available for all participating applications in much the same way that copying to and pasting from the clipboard facility is supported in the Macintosh and Microsoft Windows environments. ("IRIS Hypermedia Services" 38)" from Intermedia entry at the Electronic Labyrinth
Macromedia's Director became the high-end authoring tool for CD-ROM development. A lot like HyperCard but more powerful and complex to learn.
Lingo programming language like HyperTalk
Beethoven's Ninth
Music, Art, Literature
Cinemania, Encarta
Family Tree Maker
Broderbund has not been successful with "information" or "content" on CD other than games.
Doug Carlson, CEO of Broderbund, described a productivity application as one where the user adds the value by contributing his or her own information. (Family Tree).
Defense Industry
Aircraft Maintenance Manuals
Fostered development of highly specialized, high-end "industrial" hypermedia software tools.
Convergence of imaging, animation, audio and video technologies, while ongoing difficulty in standards and interoperability.
Content unavailable outside of proprietary program; programs dedicated to one body of content.
Biggest success in games and educational software.
High production costs for consumer products. Projects began to look more like "Hollywood" movie projects and not meet with success. (12-18 months of effort; $5-10 million budget.)
Difficulty of developing distribution channels
- bookstores were not successful selling CD-ROMs.
- software stores also had difficulty
UNIX was unintentionally the anti-GUI.
Included tools for program development environment and text processing.
A philosophy of building small tools
Fostered a "hacker" development culture.
A simple protocol, a simple device-independent data format and a straightforward global addressing system.
The data now exists outside of the browser software required to access and display it; allows other programs besides browsers to access it.
Tim Berners-Lee key insight was a distributed hypertext system that did not have to know in advance whether a link reference could be resolved.
It's interesting how separate these developments are.
The people and the companies which shaped these developments were starting new directions, deciding that what was essential involved ignoring much of what was there.
Also, those companies heavily invested in one remain skeptical that "the next thing" was real.
For instance, desktop publishing required a fine degree of control over presentation whereas the Web could live with a much cruder level of presentation.