SIMS 290-2: Applied Natural Language Processing

   Fall 2004, Prof. Marti Hearst

Course Information


Much of the most valuable information available online today resides in textual form, but natural language is notoriously difficult to process automatically. Applied natural language processing -- also known as automated content analysis and language engineering -- can provide partial solutions.

This course will examine the state-of-the-art in applied NLP, with an emphasis on how well the algorithms work and how they can be used (or not) in applications. Topics will include text summarization, text mining, question answering, information extraction, text categorization, author and genre recognition, word sense disambiguation, and lexical and ontological acquisition, and text analysis for social applications such as Blogs and social networks.

NOTE: Dan Klein's CS 294-5 is also being offered this term. Both courses deal with statistical, corpus-based NLP. CS 294-5 will emphasize NLP models and algorithms, while SIMS 290-2 will emphasize the applications of NLP technologies.