
XPath Datatypes & Functions, Using Ant, and XSLT in Web Applications

R. Alexander Milowski

milowski at sims.berkeley.edu






Functions - Nodes


Functions - Strings


Functions in General


String Manipulation


Strings and xsl:value-of




Number Formatting






Multiple Input Documents


Base URI & document()


Aggregation Example


Using Ant to Apply XSLT


The Basic Ant File


The Ant Concept


The XSLT Task


XSLT in Web Applications


Structuring a Web Application


Setting Up a Web Project in Netbeans

  1. Choose the File->New Project menu item.

  2. Select 'Web' in the project 'Categories' panel and 'Web Application' from the 'Projects' panel and then click on 'Next'.

  3. Choose a project name.

  4. You may change the project location. If you leave the 'Project Folder' input alone, it will concatenate the name and the location together to make the project folder.

  5. Click on 'Finish'.


The Basic web.xml File


Using Filters to Style with XSLT


Two Necessary Steps

  1. The supporting libraries need to be added to your project:

    1. Create a 'lib' directory in your 'WEB-INF' folder.

    2. Copy the 'jaxp.jar' from the website into that folder.

  2. Add the filter to the web.xml file--see next slide.


Filter Configuration

Add this element to the web.xml file:



Filter Parameters


Mapping the Filter


Tweaking the Starting Document


The Complete web.xml File

<web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"
 xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-app_2_4.xsd"