
WSDL, SOAP, and Alphabet Soup

  1. Web Services Specifications
  2. The "Useful" Specifications
  3. SOAP in One Slide
  4. Reasons Why to Use SOAP
  5. Thag Must Understand Header
  6. An Example Request
  7. An Example Response
  8. SOAP and Web Services
  9. What is WSDL?
  10. Services, Ports, Bindings, Operations, and Messages, Oh My!
  11. WSDL By Example
  12. The Abstract tideinfo Service
  13. Create an Empty Definition
  14. Import the Schema
  15. Define the Service
  16. Define the Binding
  17. Define the Messages
  18. The Whole Thing...
  19. Why in the world...
  20. Wash it with SOAP!