#12 [xhtml]

The Request and Response

  1. We'll make up a request document:

    <t:tideinfo location="9414290" xmlns:t="http://www.smallx.com/services/tideinfo/2005"/>
  2. And the response will be added as children:

    <t:tideinfo location="9414290" xmlns:t="http://www.smallx.com/services/tideinfo/2005">
    <t:tide-level date="04/02/2005" time="12:00:00-7:00" level="-0.l1"/>
    <t:tide-level date="04/02/2005" time="12:06:00-7:00" level="-0.l6"/>

    where the date, time, and level are take from the first four columns of the data. We'll use the predicted level since we might want future tide information (see the data for more on this).