1 a archaic : PROOF, EVIDENCE b : an original or official paper relied on as the basis, proof, or support of something c : something (as a photograph or a recording) that serves as evidence or proof 2 a : a writing conveying information b : a material substance (as a coin or stone) having on it a representation of thoughts by means of some conventional mark or symbol c : DOCUMENTARY [1]
1 : being or consisting of documents : contained or certified in writing <documentary evidence> 2 : of, relating to, or employing documentation in literature or art; broadly : FACTUAL, OBJECTIVE [1]
Markup Language
: a system (as HTML or SGML) for marking or tagging a document that indicates its logical structure (as paragraphs) and gives instructions for its layout on the page for electronic transmission and display [1]
[1] Merriam-Webster Online: