
Schema Best Practices and Packaging Schema Libraries

R. Alexander Milowski

milowski at sims.berkeley.edu


Best Practices


Simple Things First


Namespace URI


The "Dark Side" is swaying me...


Public Identifiers


Example Public Identifiers


Where to go for More


Structuring a Namespace URI


Versioning & Instances


Organizing Your Schema Documents


A Simple Recomendation


Yours vs. Theirs


Handling Imports


General Strategy for Re-usable Schemata




Naming Elements


Naming Types


What to Make Global


What to make Global


Global Elements


Qualified vs Unqualified


How Many Namespaces?


Documenting your Schemata


Documenting Element Declarations or Complex Type Definitions


Rules for Documentation

  1. Document the schema so that everyone knows the purpose and scope of your schema.

  2. Document all the global components of your schema.

  3. Document your includes, imports, and redefines so the next schema author knows why they are there.

  4. Document local type definitions as they aren't going to be documented elsewhere.

  5. Any enumeration or options should be document so a user can choose between them.

  6. When there is any doubt, add some kind of documentation.

  7. Document your assumptions. Keep in mind that the schema definitions and declarations are not enough. You might think a name is obvious but they might have different definitions in different contexts.


What Goes in a Release


Structuring for Release